Agencija za certificiranje NLB (AC NLB) je registriran overitelj kvalificiranih digitalnih potrdil (certifikatov), in je vpisana v register overiteljev na nivoju EU in državni register overiteljev, njeno delovanje pa je skladno z veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja elektronsko poslovanje in elektronski podpis.
AC NLB do vključno dne 27.6.2023 deluje v okviru NLB d.d., od vključno 28.6.2023 dalje pa v okviru ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP, ki ga je ustanovila in ga upravlja družba Rekono, sistemske integracije, d.o.o., Ukmarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana. Ponudnik storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP je akreditiran ponudnik storitev zaupanja v skladu z Uredbo eIDAS.
AC NLB z dnem 28.6.2023 preneha izdajati certifikate, obstoječi certifikati pa ostanejo v veljavi vse do njihovega izteka. Ponudnik storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP bo od dneva prevzema AC NLB do poteka veljavnosti vseh certifikatov, izdanih s strani AC NLB, zaradi zagotovitve njihove nemotene uporabe izvajal preklic certifikatov in objavo statusa certifikatov.
Politika AC NLB, javni del notranjih pravil delovanja (3. izdaja, 31.01.2018 Politika AC NLB), ostaja v veljavi in je od 28.6.2023 dalje priloga Rekono.TSP Pravil delovanja za AC NLB.
Javni del notranjih pravil delovanja.
Dokument Rekono.TSP Pravila delovanja za AC NLB predstavlja javni del notranjih pravil delovanja ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP in je dostopen na tej povezavi.
O certifikatu (digitalnem potrdilu)
Certifikat - digitalno potrdilo omogoča identifikacijo uporabnika, izvedbo podpisa digitalnih dokumentov ter varovanje zaupnih podatkov s šifriranjem.
The NLB Certification Agency (AC NLB) is a registered certifier of qualified digital certificates (certificates), and is entered in the register of certifiers at the EU level and the national register of certifiers, and its operation is in accordance with the applicable legislation governing electronic business and electronic signature.
AC NLB operates within NLB d.d. up to and including 27.6.2023, and from 28.6.2023 onwards within the trust service provider Rekono.TSP, which was founded and is managed by the company Rekono, sistemske integrationes, d.o.o., Ukmarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana. Trust service provider Rekono.TSP is an accredited trust service provider in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation.
AC NLB will stop issuing certificates on June 28, 2023, and existing certificates will remain valid until they expire. The trust service provider Rekono.TSP will, from the date of acquisition of AC NLB until the expiration of the validity of all certificates issued by AC NLB, carry out the cancellation of certificates and the publication of the status of certificates in order to ensure their uninterrupted use.
AC NLB's policy, the public part of the internal operating rules (3rd edition, 31.01.2018 AC NLB's policy), remains in force and from 28.6.2023 is an annex to the Rekono.TSP operating Rules for AC NLB.
The public part of the internal operating rules.
The document Rekono.TSP Operating rules for AC NLB represents the public part of the internal operating rules of the trust service provider Rekono.TSP and is available at this link.
About the certificate (digital certificate)
Certificate - a digital certificate enables user identification, signing of digital documents and protection of confidential data by encryption.