
Brand’s Architecture

A uniform visual identity of all NLB Group members is required for a monolithic brand architecture.

1. The NLB Group and its members

A uniform visual identity of all NLB Group members is required for a monolithic brand architecture.

2. The brand in relation to the products and services

NLB does not develop new brands at the product and service level. Individual products and services do not possess logos or any other graphic elements of their own. NLB stands at the beginning of each name, followed by a clear and brief general description of the product. This system of product naming assures that people immediately recognize the provider and roughly understand the product or service’s content.

NLB Classic Account
NLB Business Account
NLB Personal loans
NLB Deposit
NLB First account

NLB Premium package

NLB Mastercard debit card

NLB Housing loan

NLB Business financing

NLB Green loan

The typographical principle of writing NLB products