
Brand language

The brand language defines how we talk, how we look, how we sound and which emotions we evoke.

Positioning slogan

Our positioning slogan is “For whatever may come.” We use it alone or in conjunction with our logo.

We use the slogan on those communication materials where the size and format allow us to read it clearly without creating an oversaturation effect.

Use of slogan

What are our text and music like?


We express confidence with a direct address, using clear and concise wording. With a credible tone we transfer our confidence onto our users. We prove our confidence with facts and are cautious with superlatives, so we don't appear arrogant and superior.


By using positive language, we motivate and inspire people. We present our solutions through clear benefits for the users. We are careful not to over-promise and encourage irresponsible behavior. Music is always positive, intriguing, modern.


Our wordings show understanding of our users' modern lifestyle, needs and demands. We present our services and offer in a way that is easily relatable.


We present our services using clear, simple and understandable statements. We don't use unnecessarily complicated expressions that could confuse users.

How we look?

Visual solutions should be confident, modern, positive and inspiring.

On the motifs and in the moving images, we show glimpses from real life that appear authentic and spontaneous. We present NLB services as part of a modern way of life, in a way that is unobtrusive, natural and realistic.

We are characterized by warm tones and natural light with a hint of indigo. We use a slight contrast between highlights and shadows, which allows us to write the message in white. Light accents are allowed, but always at the edge of the motif or on a part that does not reduce the readability of the text.

NLB blue is always combined with a set of complementary NLB colors.

NLB Brand Identity Visual Refreshment 2023