
Larger glass surfaces

General description:

The larger glass surfaces of each branch bank are primarily used for communication for brand values, or to highlight the current advertising campaign or the standard bank products.
If the placement of a communication message with a photo is not feasible, larger glass surfaces (including reflex glass) may be covered with a pattern with the NLB symbol or NLB outline sign. 

The installation of a communication message is not possible when the elements do not comply with the guidelines for the installation of communication messages for both large and small glass surfaces. These are cases where the size of the text on the communication message is too small for passers-by to be able to read the text and cases where, due to the surface or layout of the object, it is not possible to place the communication messages in accordance with the guidelines for the placement of communication messages.

A combination may be used too (e.g., one part of glass surfaces with a communication message, and the other part with the symbol or outline sign); depending on the size of the glass surface.

Materials and technical description:

  1. Communication messages are printed on perforated film. Perforated film is glued to the outside of the glass surfaces and protected with a matte lamination.
  2. The sticker with the NLB symbol is made of white film.
  3. The outline sign sticker (oversize) is made of perforated white film for visibility and to let light from indoor spaces shine through.

All elements are placed on the outer side of glass surfaces.

  • Communication messages should always be placed on the entire height of glass surfaces.
  • The NLB symbol should be placed at the level of the indigo blue banner on the entrance door (the NLB inscription is of the same height as the indigo blue banner, i.e. 11 cm).
  • Outline sign: The outline sign should be placed on the left or right of the entrance door or in case of a glass façade also on the glass façade. If the glass surface allows it, the cut-out of the outline sign should be used. In such case it should be placed on the right edge of the façade. 

Distribution of communication messages according to the size of the branch
The number of communication messages on larger glass surfaces is determined by the length of the branch's glass surfaces.
We distinguish between smaller branches, larger branches and branches that, due to their size, allow the installation of all three communication messages.

1. Communication messages at smaller branches
When communicating at smaller branches, we use the primary communication message, namely "couple on the street" with the text "One bank for all life challenges".

2. Communication messages at major branches
The larger branch enables the use of two communication messages; the primary message "couple on the street" with the text "One bank for all life's challenges" and the secondary "woman with the phone" with the text "The right address for reliable advice".

3. Communication messages on the glass surfaces of the offices, which, due to their size, allow the installation of all three communication messages
In these branches, it is possible to install three different communication messages, where to both the primary and secondary messages we add a tertiary one, which is "little girl with a house" with the text "Together for a secure financial future".

Sample drawings:

1. Communication messages

2. Communication message and outline sign
3. Communication message and symbol
4. Outline sign and symbol

5. Poster sites

6. Communication messages at smaller branches

7. Communication messages at larger branches

8. Communication messages on the glass surfaces of the branches, which, due to their size, allow the installation of all three communication messages
