
Input fields

Input fields are used when acquiring certain information from the user or when you need to perform a certain action (e.g. entry of the password to enter the application, entry of the amount to be transferred to another account, etc.).

There are two types of input fields available:

  • Uniform input field
  • Divided input field

Both types of input fields can be used in the same application, but never on the same screen. A single application screen may only use one type of the input field.

The following section defines how the input fields are displayed in passive and active states, in case of an incorrect entry, and the position of the hint if it is contained in the input field.

Warning: Input fields use colors defined with the selected color scheme.

Inactive blank field

Active field

Inactive field with content

Input error

Input fields colors

Inactive blank field

Active field

Inactive field with content

Input error

Input fields colors