

Navigation is the most important part of the application since it must provide users with a clear presentation of the application’s available contents. Both platforms allow the use of the side navigation which can be opened with the help of the “hamburger” menu on the left side of the screen. Additionally, iOS applications allow the use of the alternative navigation with buttons located at the bottom of the screen.

Warning: Navigation uses colors defined in the selected color scheme.

Examples of side navigation

Side navigation is divided into three sections:

  • Application branding: This section is intended to display the application symbol and the potential additional information.
  • Application menu: This section includes the list of links with icons and names. If the list is larger than the size of the mobile device screen, the list of links continues under the Login/logout button of the application.
  • Login/logout button of the application: Option button in case the application includes the Login/logout option.

Examples of alternative navigation

An alternative navigation is a more modern approach in accordance with the iOS guidelines. It is intended to provide a clearer display of more important contents and functionalities within the application. It is recommended to display 3 - 5 buttons. If the application offers more content , the rest of it can be found in the form of a list when pressing the button "More".