

Top menu

The top menu is only visible on devices with larger displays. It enables the users to switch between the main content sections of the website.


Background color: #26007D

Unselected section

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #FFFFFF

Selected section

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: medium 500, Color: #26007F

Links - right

Font: Roboto, Font size: 13px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #FFFFFF

Main menu

The main menu consists of the NLB sign which links to the homepage, links and website search field.


Background color: #FFFFFF

Unselected link

Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #757575

Selected link

Line thikness: 3px, Line color: #26007D, Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D

Buttons (see chapter Buttons in footer)

Default settings banner

Banner for default setting can be displayed above main menu.


Background color: #DDDDDD

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #333333

Buttons (see chapter Buttons in footer)

Search field


Background color: #FFFFFF


Font: Roboto, Font size: 20px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #444444


Color: #757575

More about the icons of NLB Group websites can be found in the chapter Icons.


Background color: #FFFFFF

Search string

Font: Roboto, Font size: 20px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #444444


Color: #757575

More about the icons of NLB Group websites can be found in the chapter Icons.

Secondary dropdown menu

Example of secondary dropdown menu with icons


Background color: #FFFFFF

1st level – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

1st level – active state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D

Link to all subcategories of 1st level – inactive state

Background color: #f7f7f7, Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D

Link to all subcategories of 1st level – active state

Background color: #f7f7f7, Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D

Example of the secondary dropdown menu with photos


Background color: #FFFFFF

1st level – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

2nd level – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #464646

Link to all subcategories of 1st level – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #26007D

Link to all categories of the main level – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D

Link under photography or icon – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #26007D

2nd level – active state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #26007D

Link to all subcategories of 1st level – active state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #26007D

Link to all categories of main menu – active state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D

Link under photography or icon – active state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #26007D

Example of secondary dropdown menu with contact information


Background color: #FFFFFF

1st level – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

1st level – active state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D


Font: Roboto, Font size: 17px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

Contact information

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Line height: 130%, Color: #464646

Symbol/letter E (for e-mail)

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

E-mail – inactive state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #464646

E-mail – active state

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #464646, underline

Closed menu

Menu height: 60px

Icons Color: #757575

Background color: #FFFFFF

Closed menu

Height:: 60px

Icon color: #757575

Background color: #FFFFF

Open menu – 1st level

Top level bar

Height: 60px, Icon color: #757575, Background color: #FFFFFF


Background color: #FFFFFF


Font: Roboto, Font size: 14px, Font weight: bold 700, Color: #464646

1st level

Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

Arrow to the next level

Color: #464646


Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #464646

Buttons (see chapter Text layout)

Open menu – 2nd level


Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: regular 400, Color: #464646

2nd level

Font: Roboto, Font size: 14px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

Link to all items

Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font weight: regular 400, Color: #26007D

Arrow to the next level

Color: #464646

Link to previous level

Font: Roboto, Font size: 14px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #a3a3a3

Open menu – 3rd level


Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: regular 400, Color: #464646

3rd level

Font: Roboto, Font size: 14px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

Link to all items

Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font weight: regular 400, Color: #26007D

Link to previous level

Font: Roboto, Font size: 14px, Font weight: light 300, Color: #a3a3a3


The breadcrumbs are located under the main menu and are only visible on devices with larger displays. The last level is not displayed.

Breadcrumbs over the image

Breadcrumbs - inactive

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #757575

Icon color: #757575

Breadcrumbs - active

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D

Breadcrumbs on pages with no background image

Breadcrumbs - inactive

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #757575

Icon color: #757575

Breadcrumbs - active

Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #26007D


Background color: #F2F3F4