
Photo and video

Photo galleries

Photo gallery

Photo galleries are comprised of thumbnails sized 87x87px. An enlargement in a lightbox openes by clicking an individual image.


Enlargement of a photo in horizontal format.

Enlargement of a photo in portrait format.

Maximum wdth of a photo in horizontal format is 780px, in portrait format it is 520px.

Photo caption

Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font size: 16px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #464646

Title photo or graphic in the advice section

Photo dimensions: width 750px, height 270px


Font: Roboto, Font size: 18px, Font weight: light 300, Line height: 160%, Color: #464646

Big photo or graphic in the content

Photo dimensions: width 750px

Photo or graphic with enlargement

Photo or infogaphic width: 360px

Icon color: #26007D

Caption: Font: Roboto, Font sie: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #727272

Photo or graphic embeded in content

Photo/graphics width: 215px

Caption: Font: Roboto, font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #727272




A Videogallery is comprised of thumbnails sized 360x200px and captions.

The size of a thumbnail is 360x200px.


Icon color: #FFFFFF, Background color: #8DB917, Opacity: 90%


Font: Roboto, Font size: 16px, Font weight: light 300, Line height: 130%, Color: #464646

Video in content

Video in content takes up the width of a whole text paragraph.

Video width: 750px, height is adapted to the video format

Caption: Font: Roboto, Font size: 15px, Font weight: normal 400, Color: #727272
