

Primary corporate typeface

Letters from the Frutiger family are used in the following cuts: Light, Roman, Italic, Bold and Black.

In the Frutiger family comprises of some other cuts (e.g. Frutiger Ultra Black), which we do not use in the NLB corporate identity.

We use only three typeface cuts of corporative typography when making marketing communication application.

Frutiger Light is used for advertising texts and texts "bellow the line" - legally obligatory texts in advertisements and posters..

Recommended size for advertising texts is 9pt / 9pt, if necessary, it can be also used size 10 pt / 10 pt or 8 pt / 8 pt .

Frutiger Roman is used to write the information on the blue stripe. The typeface size is 1 pt smaller than the body copy.

Frutiger Bold is used for headline and for graphic element for special offers.

Typeface are available in their digital version at

Secondary corporate typeface

Baskerville Roman is used for texts in brochures, annual reports and other printed publications.

Baskerville Italic is used together with Baskerville Roman, where we wish to emphasize a text. The font Baskerville Italic is never used independently of the Baskerville Roman typeface.

The entire Baskerville (Bitstream) family is available as a package.

In marketing communications, we generally do not use Baskerville.

Typefaces are available in their digital version at

Typeface for office applications

We use the typefaces of the Arial family in all communication means connected to typing and printouts on printers, or for use in electronic communications.

Arial Roman is used for body copy.

Arial Italic is used in exceptional cases (e.g. to mark certain comments).

Arial Bold is used for titles and emphasizing in flowing text.

Arial Bold Italic is used exceptionally, when certain within a headline needs to be emphasized.

Typefaces in their digital form are system typefaces and as such are part of the operating system (Windows, Mac OS).