
Downloads + Colour variants

Use of logos by country - banks

Slovenia BIH, Montenegro, N. Macedonia, Kosovo Serbia

Colour version, positive

For the positive colour version of the NLB symbol, we use the following colours:

  • circle: NLB blue,
  • center: white (non-transparent),
  • typographic part: NLB dark grey,
  • slogan: NLB blue.

Positive colour version is used on lighter, generally white backgrounds, where the reproduction technology supports it.

See chapter Combinations of Symbol with Various Colour Backgrounds.

The members’ symbols are hand kerned; hence we do not construct the pre-designed symbols from existing typefaces.

Colour Version - exception for signage

In the negative color version of the NLB Symbol we use the following colours:

  • circle: NLB blue,
  • centre: white (not transparent),
  • typographic part: white.

The negative colour version of the sign is used mainly on gray backgrounds and on metallic colour backgrounds, where the reproduction technology supports it.

Monochrome colour version, positive

The positive monochrome colour version of the NLB symbol uses the following colours:

  • circle: black,
  • centre: transparent,
  • typographic part: black.

The monochrome version of the symbol is used when print does not support colour reproduction. In this case the symbol is generally used in black. If the print does not support black, we generally use the darkest colour available.

The monochrome version of the sign is also used on certain backgrounds. See chapter Combinations of Symbol with Various Colour Backgrounds.

Monochrome colour version, negative

The following colours are used in the monochrome colour version of the NLB symbol:

  • circle: white,
  • centre: transparent,
  • typographic part: white.