
Prohibited use of the symbol

Do not change the ratio between the sign and the typographic part. The same rule applies to the members’ symbols.

Do not change the position of the sign with regard to the typographic part. The fixed position of the sign in relation to the typographic part is one of the most important parts of the corporate image of the NLB Group and as such is untouchable.

Do not change the distance between the letters in the typographic part of the symbol. The distance between the letters NLB and the members’ symbols is hand measured and must not be changed.

Do not stretch or shrink the symbols. The height and the width of the symbol ratio must not be changed in any case. The same holds for the texts and the tagline.

Symbols can only be reproduced from original files. In no case should the NLB symbol or a member symbol be printed out with an existing typeface. Even though symbols are designed based on the Frutiger family, they are changed so that the use of this typeface cannot produce an identical symbol.

Do not use other colour versions than those prescribed. If the reproductive technology does not enable colours as set in colour versions, we use the monochrome version.

Respect the symbol’s minimum protection zone. The minimum protection zone in some exceptional cases may only be violate in exceptional cases, in the way, that the symbols are closer to the edge of the format, but in no case should any other graphic element reach into the minimum protection zone. This also holds for frames!

Use only the prescribed vertical version of the symbols. Setting one letter above another is not allowed in any case.

Do not interfere with the structure of the sign (the circle and centre ratio).