
Use of slogan

Position slogan is used in the language of each market.
Slovenia: Za vse, kar sledi.

International: For whatever may come.

Serbia, Croatia, BIH, Montenegro: Za sve što dolazi.

North Macedonia: За сѐ што следи.

Kosovo: Për gjithçka që vijon. 

Position slogan is a sentence, so it is always written with a capital letter and end punctuation (full stop).
It should always be positioned horizontally.
The symbol with the slogan is used where the size and format allow it and when the content context is suitable.

The symbol with the slogan is not used:

  • in small formats,
  • if it requires symbol size reduction,
  • when we want to use the full format to maximise the visibility of the symbol,
  • where NLB symbol is used together with a number of other companies’ symbols,
  • with the sponsorship logo.