At the intersection

International public call for young artists from SEE region. Public call for submissions to the NLB MUZA’s intersection of art, science, and new technologies exhibition.



NLB MUZA selected ...

NLB MUZA, cultural heritage program, consisting of art and museum collections as well as museums and galleries of the NLB Group, was inviting artists aged 35 or younger from South-East Europe to participate with intermedia art created in the last five years.

Among the 83 submitted works of art, after a careful review and evaluation, the international expert jury selected two works of art, which will have the opportunity to be exhibited at the opening exhibition in the new Bankarium gallery in city center of Ljubljana, which will be opened at the beginning of next year.

The author of the first selected artwork entitled From presence to memory and back is Arijana Kadić. It is an artistic performance in which the artist uses an inherited carpet as the central element, which acts as a portal connecting her to her ancestors, as a bridge between the present and eternity. The authors of the second artwork, which will be invited to the opening exhibition, are Dalea Kovačec and Marko Damiš, with their interactive installation entitled From Birth to Byte: A Generative Lifescape. It is an installation that uses cameras, screens and mirrors to present a diverse range of personal, direct narratives on social media, depicting the wide spectrum of human life from birth to death. These narratives cover everything from ordinary moments to important milestones and unforeseen challenges.


We decided to invite artist Arijana Kadić to exhibit in our gallery because of the artist's personal narrative. Her story is deep and authentic, reflecting a real human experience that can speak to a wider audience and create a strong emotional connection. On the other hand, the work of Dalea Kovačec and Marko Damiš is eloquent and highly topical. Interestingly, factual data is localised and then applied to the viewer. The potential of this work lies mainly in the fact that it works in real time. This ability allows for a direct interaction between the artwork and the viewer, creating constantly changing  experience and adapting according to the current data and circumstances.

At the intersection of art, science and new technologies

Artists or collectives of artists were encouraged to submit intermedium works of art = works created at the intersection between art, science and new technologies. 

We were looking for 

  • sustainability, social and environmental engagement,
  • experimentality,
  • interactivity,
  • integration and focus on the region of SouthEast Europe,
  • topicality and attractiveness.


Do you SEE Art?

We were looking for works of art that fit the concept of the new SEE Art Collection, which represents different cultures, identities and memories that have over time created our shared history in the region of South-East Europe. This collection aims to improve the understanding and knowledge of different cultural and social environments, promoting tolerance and diversity, and at the same time giving birth to new sustainable ideas and actions with different expressions of contemporary art . The SEE Art Collection offers an authentic and unique artistic experience, provides inspiration and motivation, serves as a reflection of society and the environment, and plays an active role in the promotion of ideas about premonitions of the future.


Skrita vsebina

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Thank you for your interest. The results will be announced on 21st May 2024.