NLB Group donates million euros to eliminate the consequences of devastating floods in BIH

October 8, 2024

Mother Nature reminded us last week of her boundless strength once again. Heavy rainfall in parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina caused floods, landslides, and unprecedented destruction, and also took the highest toll of all – numerous human lives. To support the heart-felt efforts of rescue services who are trying to eliminate the consequences of the destruction, NLB Group member donated one million euros to the affected areas. Donation will be directed to humanitarian organizations, ensuring that the aid reaches those who need it most – the Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina and

All banks from the markets where the NLB Group operates, therefore Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Kosovo stepped-up to help with a donation; with certain member banks also organizing their own local support. In Slovenia, for example, additional financial donations are also collected by employees with deductions from their wages; with teams being on stand-by to also help collect material aid if Slovenian humanitarian organizations will organize it.

»In Slovenia, memories of floods that have devastated large areas of our country in August last year are still very vivid. And with the scenes coming from our home region, where so many of our friends and colleagues from our banks live, especially painful. However, the catastrophe also provides us with an opportunity to show once again how, when days get darkest, we stand by each other. And to prove that human will, heart and solidarity are stronger than the indestructible force of nature,« commented NLB's CEO Blaž Brodnjak, announcing the Group donation.

With these kinds of activities, NLB Group proves that it is not a mere bank, but one of key, systemic building blocks of societies and economies in its home region, and a group which, in addition to potential, also recognizes hardships, provides support when needed and thereby creates better footprints.

Foto: FENA 

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