NLB Group Welcomes Investors and Regional Businessmen at Investor Day, Reveals its Business Strategy

May 9, 2024

NLB Group believes in this region and its potential, were concluding thoughts of the second NLB Investor Day, which was held today in Ljubljana, and which gathered approximately 200 foreign investors, financial experts, analysts, and representatives of key regional companies, representing the backbone of regional economy, and key regional media, while almost 400 people followed the event online.

By organizing such events, the NLB Group wants to present South-Eastern Europe, its home region, to global investors and consequently strengthen the local capital markets. The NLB Investor Day will therefore be followed by tomorrow's Slovenian-Croatian investment conference, during which leading Slovenian and Croatian companies will present themselves to global investors at more than 40 business meetings.

NLB Group reveals new, ambitious business strategy until 2030

In the main focus of NLB Investor Day was the NLB Group’s new business strategy and vision until 2030. With it, NLB Group responds to the changing banking environment and upcoming challenges and addresses new opportunities.

In the retail banking segment, the strategic goal by 2030 is to be the leading bank in SEE, to increase the number of customers to over 3 million and achieve more than 80% digital penetration. In 2030, NLB Group will be leading in the segment of small and medium-sized companies, and at the same time it will also play a leading role in the field of transition financing, where the volume of such loans in 2030 will amount to EUR 3.2 billion.

The Group’s strategic goal in the field of payments is that by 2030, the share of mobile payments exceeds 80% of all payments. The new strategy therefore places great emphasis on digitization and artificial intelligence. For these purposes, NLB Group intends to invest between EUR 170 and 200 million in the next 5 years.

Furthermore, NLB Group’s new business strategy foresees a doubling of the NLB Group balance sheet and a profit of one billion euros by 2030. Some of other key financial indicators are listed below, and you may find out more about NLB Group Business Strategy here.

“With a thorough understanding of the business environment and a careful consideration of the risks, the new business strategy draws a path that will continue to justify the trust of our shareholders with strong dividend payments, while at the same time pursuing long-term development of the Group and indirectly, also the wider economic environment in our home region,” explained NLB’s CEO Blaž Brodnjak as the Group’s new strategy was revealed.

Regional winners of this year's Frame of Help project from Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro

At the NLB Investor Day, three regional winners of this year's fourth season of the Frame of Help project were announced as well. This season, we were looking for innovative companies and projects that improve and enrich our society and solve challenges such as excessive use of digital technologies among young people, peer violence, human rights violations, gender equality and poverty.

We received 272 applications from all markets where the NLB Group operates, therefore from Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia. The first-level juries in individual markets first selected 55 finalists, and the international jury then selected 3 regional winners among the finalists.

Regional winner of this years’ Frame of Help is the Krožnik app from Slovenia, which connects consumers with restaurants, cafes, bakeries in order to solve the issue of wasted food. The second place was won by the company Inclusio from Serbia, which developed an application to help people with special needs. Third place went to Montenegrin digital agency Alicorn, with its Zuno Games solution, a platform uses the power of games to motivate students and encourage them to actively learn through fun.

Congratulations to all contestants and above all to all finalists and winners. We are proud that you decided to participate in the NLB Frame of Help project, and we are glad and grateful that you create better footprints in South-eastern Europe, which is also NLB Group’s home region.

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